Veteran Owned Business

Thanksgiving 2015

Thanksgiving is upon us and with it comes family gatherings and over indulging. While we all enjoy a good dinner as much as anybody else, let us not forget it is really about being thankful for our loved ones and not taking them for granted. So after enjoying dinner make time to have an important family conversation with those who may be directly affected if something were to happen to you. After all there may be few other times when your family may be able to be together. In this conversation, tell your family your wishes. Let them know what type of medical care you want when you cannot express your decisions. Let them know who you want to raise your minor children and how you want your estate to be handled upon your death. After expressing your wishes, make sure your they are carried out by having a valid Last Will and Testament written, as well as a Living Will and Power of Attorney. Stone Legal Group, PLLC is here to help you carry out your wishes.